
Hi, my name is Shane. As of May 23rd earlier this year I have been with Step Seven for two years. In these two years I have grown up significantly. My relationships with the Lord, my family, and others are in a great place. This can be attributed to Step Seven.

Two years ago, I was at the end of rehab at the Salvation Army and basically would have found myself homeless unless I found a place where I could continue to follow the right path. I called numerous sober-living places and ended up with no real leads. The last number on my list was for Step Seven Ministries. I called and immediately heard a voice; it was Thom Straley. He told me to keep in touch to see how things progressed with my departure from the Salvation Army program.

I graduated my program at the Salvation Army, and Thom invited me to meet with him and Brian Laney. The meeting went good! On May 23rd, 2017 I moved into one of the Step Seven sober-living homes. Not only was I welcomed with open arms, but they even stood by me at my court appearance and gave me tremendous support. I am forever grateful.

Pastor Tom is a man unto himself! He is a great man of God, and is always full of good sermons and helpful advice. “Just don’t get stupid,” is something that stays with me daily! This is something he constantly says in his counseling to us.

The three of these men, plus the brothers around me are a constant reminder of what I can be if I continue to trust in the Lord and follow simple guidance.

My life has done a complete 180. I am sober, I am God fearing, I am a champion for life in all aspects, I am grateful, and I am thankful. I am thankful for all the people who support Step Seven Ministries. Their (your) support gives people like me a chance at new possibilities through Christ. Pray for us, and that this ministry goes on to help more like us. We are here to guide the new guys and create more great men of good character. Thank you so very much!

Shane M.


That's my dawg

