Keep first things first… Jesus is priority #1.
Be of service to someone every day.
Get plenty of sleep.
Eat well and drinks lots of water.
Exercise and stay active.
Take time to be alone.
Live beneath your means.
Return everything you borrow.
Be on time.
Don’t blame other people.
Don’t make excuses.
Admit it when you make a mistake.
Give clothes and things you don’t use to charity.
Do nice things and try not to get caught.
Listen more and talk less.
Strive for excellence. Excellence and perfection are not the same things.
Be organized.
Be kind to unkind people.
Don’t argue.
Have good manners.
Let people skip ahead of you in lines.
Accept the fact that life isn’t fair.
Know when to keep your mouth shut.
Try not to be so critical of others.
Learn from the past.
Plan for the future.
Live in the present.
Be humble.
Don’t sweat the small stuff.