Hello, my name is Bobby. I’m very grateful for this opportunity to share with you a bit about my journey so far here at Step Seven Ministries. March 3, 2020 forever changed my life. That day presented me with an opportunity to start living the life God has planned for me.
Let’s back up a bit. In order to understand where I’m at now, you’ll need to know a bit of my past. I’ve been divorced for three years. I haven’t been a part of my children’s lives for two years. Instead, I was a bartender who drank almost as much alcohol as I served. As time went on I began to lose myself. I became way too familiar with the bottle. I became someone I didn’t recognize. During my decent I lost all my possessions and ruined a lot of relationships. I pushed away everyone who I thought cared about me. I ran from job to job. This was my existence.
On August 10, 2019 I decided to drink and drive... not a good decision. I put my life and the lives of others in danger. Then came the consequences. I lost my brand new car, I lost the support of my family, I was sleeping on couches, and I couldn’t get a job. Things were getting worse. The worst part was that I wasn’t able to own up to what I did and the DUI I got.
Somewhere in the middle of all this chaos there was a change happening within me. One day, I decided I was going to take responsibility for my actions. February 15, 2020 I decided I wanted to turn my life around. This meant turning myself in to the Douglas County Jail. Not fun. Either way, it was time to face the music and start making amends for what I had done. While I was incarcerated, I came clean with my parents about everything. That was tough. I also met a guy named Bob who led Bible studies in the jail. He told me about Step Seven and said that if I wanted help they could help me when I got released.
By the time I was released from jail, I knew my ways had not been working out for me so well. And, I had no clue where I was going to sleep. I had nothing to lose, so I called the number Bob gave me for Step Seven. Brian answered, and we had only spoken for about five minutes before he told me that everything was going to be alright. He told me to wait for a guy to come pick me up who would bring me to their men’s group that night. He also told me that I could immediately move in to one of their sober-living homes. I was having a hard time processing all this because all I had were the clothes on my back and a duffel bag with 2 pairs of shoes, a pair of shorts, a belt, and one long sleeve shirt. Little did I know that nothing would ever be the same. I was instantly made to feel at home as I showed up to the group that night and was welcomed with open and loving arms. By the end of that week I had a job, plenty of clothes, more food than I knew what to do with, and lots of toiletries that didn’t make my skin itch or cut up my face (because that’s what you get in jail). For the first time in a long time I had a stable roof over my head. This was all on March 3, 2020. Looking back on it, I realize that I could not have been more blessed.
I’m thankful for the opportunities and life changing experiences Step Seven has provided me with. For the first time in forever I have a job I love, I have restored relationships with my parents, I have real friendships with guys that truly have my back, and I have the most amazing girl in my corner. I am most thankful for my new found relationship with Jesus. Accepting Jesus Christ into my life has been an absolute game changer. I was baptized on August 8, 2020. The Step Seven community has put me on a path to the life I always wanted, and I’m eternally in debt for what this ministry has done for me and my future.
Thank you for letting me tell you how God has changed my life through Step Seven. Thank you for your support of this incredible ministry. Thank you for helping to provide me and my friends with the opportunity to live the life God always had planned for us. God bless!!!