So, You Want To Serve In a Christ-Centered Recovery Community?
Be a disciple of Christ, and follow His directions to, “Go and make disciples.” There are others in the community who need to be properly guided through their faith and recovery!
Encourage Christ-centered spiritual growth. What kind of influence are you having in the lives of others?
Endorse and be a part of community events. How can you serve, better yet, how can you lead if you are not participating and encouraging participation?
Ministry to ministry outreach: Who do you know that needs to know about how God is using your recovery community to completely transform lives and make disciples? If your recovery community has made an impact on your life, you should be shouting it from the rooftops! Even to people you don’t know. Walk into a church office, and tell the pastor about the ministry that helped you. Tell them you need support. Tell them you can help those in their congregations that are struggling with drugs and alcohol.
Tithe. God set up His kingdom to be fueled by those in it. Still not sure how much this means to God? Go do some Scriptural research and I’m sure He’ll tell you. A lack of tithing is a lack of faith.
Ask people you know, especially those that have been impacted by the changes in your life, to start giving financially to support your community. Anything helps. It’s nice to not worry about funding.
Be an active participant in the recovery groups and other meetings. Offer valuable, Christ-like input.
Act as a greeter before church services and other community events. Stand at the door, and welcome everyone that comes in. Maybe even open and hold the door for them!
Assist in set-up and clean-up at events and gatherings... someone has to do it.
Serve, because that’s what servants do... they serve. Think you’re above this? Tell that to Jesus.
Lead, because that’s what leaders do... they lead.