
I am writing this to somehow put into words the life changing impact that Step Seven has had on my life. Jesus truly loves Step Seven. I know this because the work Step Seven has done in my life could only have happened through the strength, guidance and power of Jesus, my Lord and Savior.

My story started many years ago. It is a story of false pride, victimization, low self-esteem and drugs. It was an ungodly existence. My struggle with addiction led me down many dark roads. It stripped me of jobs, family, freedom and love. It got so bad that on many occasions I found myself sleeping in inner-city doorways. As much as I hated the drugs and the person I had become, I could not stop the drug use and all the sin that went along with it. I was in and out of jails and prisons. I would tell myself and anyone who would listen that this time was going to be different. Then I would find myself back on the streets and back in the depths of my addiction, and at last I’d wind up back in a jail cell. This vicious cycle repeated itself more times than I’d like to admit. I did eight or nine stints behind bars.

My freedom came two and a half years ago in a maximum security jail cell in Portland, Oregon. While I sat in that jail cell, waiting for extradition back to Colorado to face yet another short prison stay, I opened up the Bible. As I read it, the words came off the page and entered my heart… changing my heart from stone to flesh. From that moment on I have never been alone. God told me that I am not a loser. And, that I am loved. The Bible told me how to live a life that honors that love.

OK, so now I have this book of Love and direction, but how do I apply this to my life and live by Christian principals? How do I get a roof over my head? Clothes? Employment? So, I go to what Paul teaches in Philippians 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your request to God.”

Today I live a Christ-centered life. I am set free from my addictions, and I lead other men to Christ by following Christ. Because of the work God is doing through Step Seven, I have a job managing a restaurant, I teach drums, I am a house leader in one of the Christian sober-living homes and I serve every chance I get… utilizing the spiritual gifts God has given me.

The following is a true understatement, but in closing, I would like you to know I am forever indebted to Step Seven and all the people that help this great, Christ filled, altruistic ministry. God bless!

Matthew C.




Awarded to jesus