Awarded to jesus

By order of God the Father and an act of the Kingdom of Heaven, on this day in the year of our Lord, awarded in the name of the Kingdom the Medal of Honor to Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Jesus Christ distinguished Himself by acts of selflessness, gallantry, and intrepidity, against an armed enemy, both spiritually and physically.
In Jerusalem, Israel Jesus Christ was engaged in prayer with His fire team, a force of eleven at the time, and awaiting the most crucial mission of the conflict with the enemy when His fire team was ambushed by a much larger force of armed men led by a deserter from Jesus' own ranks. As the conflict that night began to develop, the fire team broke ranks and scattered. But, Jesus stood His ground under immense spiritual fire and allowed Himself to be taken in order to push deeper into the enemy encampment.

Jesus was taken into the enemy's camp, which He knew was closer to His mission's objective. He then underwent a rigorous interrogation, and many false witnesses brought charges against Him. Jesus stoically gave in to none of it until asked, "are you the Messiah, Son of the Blessed One?" To this Jesus replied, "I Am, and you will see the Son of Man seated in the place of power at God's right hand and coming into the clouds of heaven." This angered the enemy, and His torture as a prisoner of war began. All this led Him deeper into the enemy's encampment and closer to His mission's objective. The entire time He took on more and more spiritual gunfire.
Jesus selflessly pushed forward thinking of nothing but His mission.
He was then brought to the Governor within the enemy's camp and was asked, "are you the King of the Jews?" Jesus replied, "You have said it!" With this statement of truth, Jesus effectively sealed His own fate having nothing but mission accomplishment on His mind and in His heart. Jesus knew that with these words He would ultimately be led to His death.

The Governor held a trial giving the locals, who knew no better, the choice to release Jesus or a life-long criminal. Having already pled loyalty to the enemy, the locals called for the release of the criminal and the crucifixion of Jesus. This entire time Jesus could have called in an airstrike. Rather, He chose to go to the center of the enemy's camp where His fate awaited Him, thus to accomplish His mission.

Again, He allowed Himself to be tortured and beaten He was beaten brutally; whipped until all flesh was removed from His back. His hopes were to be finally led to the place of the skull and there accomplish His mission. This is the location He was sentenced to be crucified at. He was ordered to carry His cross up to the top of the hill. While taking this hill, Jesus took on the most intense volleys of enemy fire. Being struck many times He fell to the ground. Another man took up Christ's cross as Jesus, who cared more for His mission than for Himself, got up despite the rapid fire from the enemy. Jesus then reached the top of the hill.
The dictator of the enemy was at the top of that hill and thought that he could finally defeat Jesus there. So, he nailed Him to His cross and hung Him there to die.

Communications between Jesus and His Father at headquarters were cut off, leaving Jesus alone, surrounded, and desperate for help. The enemy was on Him and Jesus knew the time was right to make His final move. He uttered three words... "It is finished."
The enemy dictator thought he had won until he looked and saw the curtain tear top to bottom.

Due to this heroism, to this day the enemy has to run at the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Son of Man. Jesus won the battle of battles on that hill. It was the greatest rescue mission the world has ever seen.
As a result of Jesus' gallantry, the enemy is on the run and all of the wounded from then until now and forevermore are restored; also, bringing over multitudes of men and women who once served in the enemy's forces.
Jesus Christ's extraordinary heroism, love, and uncommon valor are in keeping with the highest standards and traditions of the Kingdom of Heaven and God the Father. All power and authority in Heaven and on Earth now belong to Jesus.

Brett Scott


Fruitful is a friendly design and strategy company in Omaha Nebraska.
